Jean Hall, Psy.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Dr Hall offers private therapy in Jacksonville, FL. We focus on providing you with care and support in whatever stage of growth you find yourself.
From identifying your struggles through comprehensive evaluation to therapeutic treatment in a safe and welcoming setting, she is with you every step of the way.
She aims to create a supportive environment in which you can be heard, understood, and thrive. Services are tailored to each patient and center on a wholistic, multi-disciplinary approach to health and well-being that will achieve the greatest improvement in your particular circumstance, in the shortest time possible.
Dr. Hall’s office is comfortable, private, and quiet to ensure you are provided the best possible care.
Dr. Hall first began her career in health care as a registered nurse. She then obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology from Baylor University with a focus in Primary Care, Health Psychology, and Behavioral Medicine.
She has extensive experience using a range of modalities that includes a blended approach with clients of all ages. She has spent the last 15 years in private practice as a licensed clinical psychologist.
She specializes in (but is not limited to) the following disorders, conditions, and types of therapeutic services:
Disorders and Conditions:
- Mood disorders (including depression and bipolar disorders)
- Anxiety disorders (including generalized anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and PTSD)
- Personality disorders
- Developmental disorders (such as ADHD and learning disabilities and their associated emotional consequences)
- Mental health disorders associated with medical conditions (such as depression secondary to a stroke)
- Coping with mental health changes in light of medical problems (such as dementia secondary to Parkinson’s disease)
- Adjustment disorders and issues relating to adjusting to major life changes and transitions
- Grief and loss
- Dealing with issues of infidelity, trust, and betrayal
- History of traumatic experiences
- Caregiver related issues
- Pain management
- Online
- Individual
- Adolescent
- Individual therapy focused on optimizing cognitive health
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